Blog Post #1
A couple of months ago, I found a page related to children around the world while I was scrolling through my Facebook account. I saw a picture of an African kid who was starving to death. He was so skinny that his bones were clearly visible. He was sticking out his hand hoping to receive some food. His condition was so miserable that I couldn’t stop tears from coming down my cheeks. I felt so sad with the cruel reality. It left me with a thought that there are so many people around the world who waste food knowingly. On the other hand, there are thousands of kids in other parts of the world who are starving to death. I have many pages in my Facebook that post about food. I think that is why I immediately thought the child needed food. He also had no clothes or shoes. I am not sure if he even has any shelter. But because of all the food posts on my Facebook, my immediate thoughts were regarding his hun