Not Your Tunes , Itunes


Mp3’, Mp4s, Music that we come to love and share amongst our own loved ones have come under threat by anti piracy laws . Laws that remove the freedom to share artistic creations to one another with no capital gain other than our own of enjoyment. Companies like Itunes feed into this need to share and listen to these musical works by putting a price tag on a 6.6 – 10 megabyte song , Enforced because of the possibility of Money . In my paper I will be analyzing Episode 4 of Ways of Hearing “Money” By Damon Krukowski. He makes some very interesting points about how File sharing has changed the way we hear sounds and music and how money is a necessity for artists and musicians, but it seems to be more important to larger companies who simply profit off of these artist’s talents.

1 thought on “Not Your Tunes , Itunes

  1. Paul Fess

    This is a really interesting topic. Where do you land on the opposing sides that Krukowski lays out? Do you think this kind of file sharing should cost money or be free of charge? It also seems like you will focus on the role of large corporations. I think this is a really good way to produce a focused paper, but where do you land? Are you against the role of these corporations? Why or why not?

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