Blog post 2

In episode 2 we see a lot of images portraying women in a sort of sexual vulnerable objectifying type of way, making them seem as if they were weak and like only they were to be seen and portrayed in this manner, where as today images like this today have and would create a whole controversy and the painter would be defamed for discriminating against women this has to do with the mitu movement and the complete change of times that we are in, where today women play a big role in society and everywhere else not like in the older ages where those images were created, the LGBTQ community as well plays a big role in today society and with the #metoo movement this is an example of how women and the lgbtq have significantly grown and risen and have a voice since the times of these images and how they matter and make a change for their communities and show resilience and strength, of course everyone has their own opinions and some still have and will keep that old mindset and view on women and the lgbtq but for the most part the world is more accepting and sees this as a normal thing that women stick up and lgbtq community sticks ups as well and not be seen as less and not treated like in the past history books we see they once were.