Berger reflects on how pictures depict someone’s wealth in the second episode of “The Way of Being.” We find this phenomenon in our day to day life through social media. We see how people show off their possessions through images and post it on social media. Its not only celebrities but also ordinary people who cannot resist themselves from showing off things they own.

The image above is from Berger’s The Way of Seeing. This picture is not only about two men who are standing, but it also illustrates the possessions in their surroundings. The man in the left is wearing an expensive fur jacket and holding a sword. The carpet they are standing on also depicts wealth. The image itself shows the power of wealth.


 This is a picture of a contemporary Celebrity who is showing off his jewelry to depict his wealth. Gold and Diamonds have always been considered the possessions of wealthy people.


Jewelry is not the only way to show one's wealth.  Cars are another way that wealthy people show their wealth.  Cars are another way that wealthy people show their wealth. From this photo, we conclude that the woman must be very wealthy because of all the expensive cars in her surroundings.

People show their wealth through images. They do not take photos of themselves, instead they take photos of their possessions in order to show them to others. This is what Berger explains in his video.