September 11 Attacks

From the picture that was taken in Brooklyn on September 11th, 2001, there was a group of five young people sitting and enjoying their lunch break while the huge smoke is back of them. That was a series four attacks by the Islamic terrorist group against the US. The attacks killed 2,977 people, injured over 6,000 others, and caused at least 10 billion in damage. In addition, there are people dying from related disease in the months and years later. The smoke in the picture shows the big strategies that happened in that moment, many people lose their health and many people lose their lives. The war is happening close to them but this group of young people just ignore the danger. They think they live in the peace, they think the war is never going to relate to them, they think they are young so they will not die. They think they have a protector because they are American, but when the country was attacked in front of their eyes, they think that is not a big deal, and still think they are safe. No one believes the strategy is going to happen to them. This is related to the composition of the picture that John Berger talks in the Ways of Seeing. The foreground is a colorful and relaxing scene shows people are talking and laughing in Brooklyn, the background is dark and vague showing the big smoke is around the sky above Manhattan. Relax and strategy are against to each other in the picture, the river in the middle of the picture is the transition, maybe people in the picture think they are safe because they are in the other side of the river.

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