A contemporary image is created in modern times, when we live on. The oil paintings that Berger discusses are from traditional Western art. Contemporary images that have been used to illustrate wealth are image with big houses, or people wearing gorgeous wedding dresses. The oil paintings that Berger discusses are similar to the contemporary, they just have different producing ways, represent different times. Modernized houses compare to old architectures; laughing ladies with white teeth compare to virtuous women with closing mouth. They represent the time and the society when they are created. We can see the history of the art. From the oil paintings to contemporary image is the development of the art. However, they usually have different value, an oil painting from traditional Western culture often more valuable than a contemporary. Why are antique expensive? Because they are rare, nonrenewable, and represent the meaning that painters want to tell nonverbally. Contemporary images are much valueless because they are common. A small part of contemporary images are sold in high price, but most of oil paintings from the traditional art history are sold for millions or even billion dollars. Contemporary images and oil paintings are essentially same because they are made under the eras, but they are much different because they are created under different eras.