Supreme is Dumb and Everyone Knows It

This is Supreme ad illustrates wealth in today’s society, particularly in New York City. this brand name is incredibly expensive, and the same sort of items, that are similar looking and are for the same purpose are available on the market for a fraction of the cost of this stupid chest-fanny pack looking thing. This is similar in a lot of ways to the European oil paintings shown in the third episode of “Ways of Seeing”. In this episode, we see many of the rich citizens depicted are wearing extravagant clothes and jewelry that only the wealthiest would be able to afford, as seen in this ad. There is also a certain emotion coming from the model that can be related to the attitude eluded from the paintings. this model is not looking directly at the lease, and is in a relaxed position, almost as if to say, “yeah I’m wearing supreme and I don’t even care, I have money to burn.” Although the men and particularly women in the wealth inspired painting are much more uptight as this Supreme model, the attitude is still the same. these paintings scream, “I’m so dang rich, I’m surrounded by stuff that I don’t even use on a regularly basis and they are worth more than your entire estate.” not to mention, none of these people actually NEED such expensive things….no one.

enjoy the very accurate meme provided below