The Upside Down

a lot meaning puts in the photograph

The USA. Brooklyn, New York. September 11, 2001. Young people relax during their lunch break along the East River while a huge plume of smoke rises from Lower Manhattan after the attack on the World Trade Center.


I propose to discuss the image of 9/11 in which I see young people like what Thomas Hoepker said, they are having a good time talking to each other and they are relaxing while there was an intense event happening in the background. It seems like some people back in the day do not mind or do not even care about the situations happening in society. They only think about themselves and pretend that the attack did not happen. I mean, who would want to focus on the negative things when there is a lot more positive situation happening around you. Nice weather and a great company cannot be ruined by some attacks from anybody. That was my thought about what these young people do. I can relate this photograph on Berger’s episode 1 in which he discussed the camera, using a camera in paintings makes the meaning different. There is a lot of meaning that has been changed and words that have been added to the meaning of the painting. Because everything we see on social media is fake, what makes it legit is when we see paintings with our own eyes in reality. 


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