Author Archives: Melany Villalva M

The sound of the deaf

In my paper I will be talking about episode # 6 of ways of hearing, in which Krukowski goes into explain about how digital technology has changed our world. While it is true that noise play a big role in sound. Nowadays people can’t hear well because of the noise that surround us. “We are at risk of losing our hearing” Krukowski states, because of the personal audio devices calling it ‘unhealth listening practices’, what makes you want everything lauder to reduce the noise from outside. Krukowski also explains that signal and noise are all together at analog world. In a digital audio world, everything can’t be louder than everything else ,there is not noise to restrict signal. In my paper I will explain how the switch of analog audio to digital audio  has changed our perceptions of time, space and intimacy.


Living in New York City can be stressful for everyone, but more for me, since I come from a different country where there is no subway and the number of people like here. I realize that wearing earphones makes my day quieter. I also realize that most people in the subway wear them to feel more comfortable, but also to have their own space in a crowded place. You can use many platforms as your phone, or other devices to watch movies, series or even just listening to music. Nowadays industries had created earphones with noise cancelling that makes you feel comfortable, this also help you enjoy more your space and can even make your stress decrease. That’s why I realize that using earphones makes possible for people to feel comfortable in their own space, even when you can be in a crowded place, and it also gives them a way to enjoy it for even a minute.


The picture that I chose to write about in my first paper is Donna Gottshalk. She is an American photographer who was active in the 1970s and came out as lesbian around the time that Radicalesbians and the Furies Collective formed.

This picture was taken in Gay Liberation Day rally in 1970.I will compare the work she was doing at that time and in turn the perspective that John Berger shows in his episodes.

In addition, I also chose this image because I find it shocking to investigate a woman who supported the LGBTI group in the 70s when it was called taboo, in the same way to know more about her life and what led her to rely on these photographs.


Despite the course of the years we still live in a society where people revere the luxuries and wealth of others. As we can see in chapter # 3 of John Berger, people used oil paintings to show their wealth, power and greatness. Berger say “the paintings themselves were simple demonstrations of what gold and money could buy” this shows to me that, oil paintings were used to demonstrate their grandiosity. Nowadays people use social media to demonstrate the same thing as several centuries ago. In conclusion, no matter what method of communication is, the human being will always want to demonstrate his superiority to the rest, thanks to this video I realize that people are more materialistic than I thought, we want more than what we have, and this is not going to change until the end of our existence.


Nowadays women are adding a more empowered role in society. The woman is no longer seen only as an object reflected on a canvas, nor as a housewife. Now women have more value and go out to demand their rights. Although, it is true there are movements such as #metoo that are responsible for seeing for the welfare of people who suffered some kind of discrimination or sexual abuse, there are also movements that support all types of people regardless of their gender or sexual affiliation. While it is true that the empowerment of women began approximately during World War II, today women are stronger and come together to make their voices heard.

In Chapter 2, Ways of Seeing by John Berger, he demonstrates how women were seen in ancient times, how painters embodied in their canvases bodies of naked women in order to demonstrate inferiority to men. That is why I consider that over time the woman has managed to get ahead in the same way has made her rights be respected and in turn respect herself.

One movement that catch my attention is the LGBTQ movement, because they take care of each other , they also encourage to fight for them rights . here is some pictures of them representing what they love, and what they still fighting for.

Image result for lgbt movementImage result for lgbt movement

By the pass of the time people are able to decide what they want to do with their bodies, sexuality based on what they think and  the more important on how they feel. At this time, most of men and women stop taking care about what others say, they just want to feel free and to love each other as how they really are.


In “ways of seeing” by John Berger, Berger said that we cannot perceive the same when we are watching a picture by a camera than when we go to a museum or church to see it. We cannot compare the feeling of what the painter want to transmit us by their work than what we can see through a video camera.

Even when a camera is a good invention that allow us to know places without traveling, it is not the same to know them in person. The feeling and reactions are different. For example when  I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET) I could realize that most of the exhibitions were in the same mood, and this allowed me to saw the paintings in a different perspective than when I google it at my phone.

Another clear example of this are the social media, when we visit a profile of a person we see what she/he want to show to us, this mean that we cannot know for real the person that is using it. It can be fake or it can be only appearances. That is why i choose this tool to explain why social network are also a brief view of the reality of the person.

In this picture I can see a beautiful model, that travel a lot, always happy, with a lot of friends, she always seem to  like what she is doing.


In another hand, I dont know her, this is just my perspective about what can I see in her profile.Maybe people will think the opposite of me,  but that is how it works, one picture can bring different points of view.