In 21st century if we ask anyone to name one thing can’t live without , their cellphone would probably top at list. Because of advanced technologies we are able to connect our near and dear even they live in different countries. Through smartphones there are many advantages like setting alarm, setting our weekly schedule , checking forecast and many more. These days we may forget to eat or do ur assignments but no one forget to take cellphone before leaving home. people gives more preference to digital world compare to human beings. But smartphones has a lot of disadvantages. Through my experience I loss my sleep hours , without enough sleep it ruins our daily life . Mostly I waste my time in social media or entertainment every hour I check my cellphones which leaves many important work behind. There is always distraction from technology every app notification pops up also daily news which drags us to use phone anyhow. People spend more then 5-6 hours in cellphone each day . Due to spending extensive time in technology many young people loss their vision and communication to world.