The Loss of Time

 Technology has become a part of our everyday lives. We have grown reliant on the way our lives have become facilitated by technology. In addition we have become so entrapped to technology, that at times we lose track of time due to our in depth focus in technology. For example, the other day I was watching Netflix on my phone on the train. I look up from my phone and I passed my stop. It is at this moment as I come to realize how a device created by humans has the power to distract us from getting to our destinations. We have become so entrapped into our cell phones that sometimes we forget or just plain out avoid real life socialization with with friends or family. The purpose of cell phones was to make it easier to communicate with one another, but at the end of the day this device has changed our generation and the way we function. From little things as missing my train stop to bigger things as not knowing when to stop using ones cellphone and may grow apart from a significant other, or a baby being raised by the 21st century nanny (cellphones). To conclude I still watch Netflix on my phone and probably always will, but I like to always be aware of my surroundings on the train or overall just how I am especially in New York City and I try to avoid losing track of time while on my smartphone.

Image result for Smartphone netflix"