Camera has added a great value to our lives because first of all, it makes us collect our special moments, and also it educates us about history and elaborates historic images’ details and that’s really important for viewers. Every image tells a story about itself, so they are a kind of languages especially painting image which is really hard to understand because when you see a painting image, you may visualize something that it might not be true and that’s really interesting. For example, I saw a series of paintings images from the Middle Ages. The majority of them are religious paintings which show that people were really faithful at that period of time. There are a lot of Mary and Jesus Christ paintings. In addition, there were statues of churches whose makers are not known. They didn’t put their names on them and this is a proof of their strong faith.

Goldsmith in his Shop
Furthermore, there is a painting called “A Goldsmith in his Shop” which exists right now in the MET museum. It indicates rich people in the Middle Ages which tells me that not all people at that time were farmers and priests. There were people who wore high-end clothes and lived in cities. In the painting, there is a man seems like he is a jeweler, and there are a man and a woman with him dressed upscale. Also, there is a mirror on the table which shows the buildings of the city.