Inequality in America

In this picture we see Leshia Evans protesting for the brutal killing of an African Amerian. I chose this picture because it struck me the most as a violation of our rights to protest it seems that the young women being detained by officers with layers of armor to take her down. I find this picture very powerful because she is standing tall for what she believes in with no fear of the consequences. This is a great representation of the black lives matter movement as there is no violence associated with it and this is American fighting for the American people’s rights. The strongest point I take from this image is that despite those officers wearing all that armor she is the more powerful one in the image fighting for a better America who protects all its people rather than kills them because of race or religion. I’m sure this image will be in future generations’ textbooks when they are being taught about the Black Lives Matter Movement.

Baton Rouge Alton Sterling Protest

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