My nipples feed infants, not grown men

As women, many of us are told to cover ourselves up, that men will look at us with lust and that they “simply can’t help it” and they’re just boys being boys. Funny, that’s hysterical. In Berger’s second episode of “Ways of Seeing” he talks about how women are a sight for men in nude paintings. When the woman is looking passively at the spectator of the painting (most always a man) that woman gives that man the power, and shows that she is subservient to him. He also eluded in the episode to the fact that a woman’s naked body hold so much more meaning compared to a man’s. That once a woman removes her clothing in a painting, or even has a partner alongside with her, that it is all about the man’s sexuality not hers, she is simply an object for that man to use to his pleasure. This reminds me A LOT about the “Free the Nipple” campaign. An organization that takes a stand against the objectification of a woman’s chest. No one is offended if a man removes his shirt on a hot summer’s day, but people go nuts over a woman simply FEEDING her baby in public!…..why can we not do that peacefully in public? That is why we have breasts….. to breastfeed.

below is a URL to a youtube video, to get a glimpse of the Free the Nipple movement. There are breasts exposed, as a warning, but I shouldn’t even HAVE to warn you, they’re just breasts.