The Wealthy haven’t Evolved!

The wealthy seem to have the need to show their status to the world. It is not enough for themselves to know they have money some have the urge to show every individual who they cross paths with that they have money. This image of Tyga with his chains is contemporary to episode 3 in Ways of Seeing. In episode 3 Berger talks about oil paintings in particular of portraits of people in the era as a status symbol showing that they have enough money to be painted on canvases which at the time was limited to only the wealthy. So all though Tyga is not painted on a canvas he has a picture of him with his chains to flaunt his wealth on social media. Wealthy people seem to want that acknowledgment from society so desperately of being wealthy. This image is different from the oil paintings because it is not a painting but the message is the same the oil paintings were delivering.During the oil painting age portraits of oneself were the status symbol in this day in age its designer clothes, jewelry, super cars, etc. So times change and the wealthy do not evolve!

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