Try a New Meditation Technique

One of my mother’s friends, who was a kind quirky lady, had a collection of cool books and gave me one about meditation. What made it fun were these exercises that relaxed you without having to meditate in a quiet room, with your eyes closed sitting indie style! i read a few pages and chose an exercise that seemed like a challenge, one about using the noises around you to come together and make a song, your own personal song.

In other words, listen to my surroundings and accept them instead of hearing individual noises as nuisances. At first, i honestly thought it was stupid. i didn’t enjoy meditating when there was people around or if the lights were not off or even with a candle flickering was pretty distracting. Silence and a pitch black room was a must when i wanted to meditate. I cant remember where i was but i remember what i heard. I was standing in a room and i hear the noise from outside, instantly feeling like this wont work. Cars were beeping and i remember a baby  crying but the sound of the wind blowing through trees was soothing. I chose to start with that. It took a while but once i accepted the noisy cars and the baby’s cry it wasn’t distracting. It became relaxing, the cars beeping were consistent so it became a melody and the baby’s cry was almost an ad lib. It wasn’t until the noisy cars stopped, that i was instantly out of my deep thought. Weird how things that would normally distract me during meditation became essential. It was a unique experience and i use that exercise now every time i hear a nuisance.