In my sentiment, Berger’s central point in episode #2 is to represent the differences between nakedness and nudity. Which naked is to be oneself. And nudity is to be seen naked by the spectators. It contradicts the depiction of women at some point because it depends on the spectators’ views. They have a bunch of perceptions in which somehow the information becomes irrelevant to the real meaning of the images. I think it kind of agrees to the LGBTQ community situation because, like on what Berger’s point on nakedness, the naked person can express her or his feelings freely to the community. Furthermore, to the LGBTQ community, they dare to express themselves in public and they are proud to show people what they truly are despite those judgments by the people. It is similar to Berger’s point on nudity, you are being judged by people and still letting them to judge you but you can’t even do anything but pretend to yourself that you are truly not. While the LGBTQ community is judged by people, but despite those judgments, they are trying their hardest to earn the respect and acceptance of society.

do not let yourself being judge by other people