Being as full time student and working full time as put me in a tight schedule on a daily basis and on between these things i am always using spotify a music app. Which to a greater degree helps me keep track of time as i can able to guess after how many minutes what should i do. For example i take short naps or just close my eyes and rest for a few minutes and listen to music at that moment, and it helps me count after how many songs should i wake up and get dressed for work. By listening to music i am able to manage my time more accurately or manage how much time i should spend while doing a certain task.
Category Archives: Blog Post #5
Here we are again
The use of technology has changed our perception of life in many different ways, to the point that it is almost impossible to think of a world in which smartphones, computers, or any other technological devices does not exist. This, with no doubt has great advantages and it has made our lives easier throughout the years. However, it also has some pitfalls to it because sometimes we get so trapped into technology that we become completely unaware of what is happening around us and forget to take care of important things in our lives. Multiple times, it has happened to me that i lose track of time whenever im using my phone. For example, when I go to bed at night, with the intentions of “sleeping”, I always grab my phone and start watching netflix or sometimes i just read books that I can find online. When I do this, I tend to forget about time and find myself being still awake at 3 am when I know very well that I have to wake up early for class the next day. For this reason, it is important for us as people to learn how to manage our time and not let technology take away our wellness and productivity; instead, we should use it wisely and know when to put a limit to it. We should use more of our time to be present and share with others.
Living in New York City can be stressful for everyone, but more for me, since I come from a different country where there is no subway and the number of people like here. I realize that wearing earphones makes my day quieter. I also realize that most people in the subway wear them to feel more comfortable, but also to have their own space in a crowded place. You can use many platforms as your phone, or other devices to watch movies, series or even just listening to music. Nowadays industries had created earphones with noise cancelling that makes you feel comfortable, this also help you enjoy more your space and can even make your stress decrease. That’s why I realize that using earphones makes possible for people to feel comfortable in their own space, even when you can be in a crowded place, and it also gives them a way to enjoy it for even a minute.
The Rumbling Rhythm of the City
Like many students, I take the 7 train to and from LaGuardia Community College. Each day, I get off at the 33rd Street Station and walk about three blocks west past Van Dam Street to the school’s main entrance on Thomson Avenue. After my classes are finished, I walk back to the station and take the 7 train home. During my walk between the station and the school, I can hear the trains loudly rumbling by on the overhead track every few minutes. In Ways of Hearing Episode 2, the author talks about how there was a massive increase in noise in the city in the 20th century because of automobiles, elevated trains, and construction. The 7 train is a living example of this.
At first, I thought the sound was so loud (the trains are particularly audible in the 2nd floor Library), and tried to block it out by wearing earphones, trying to close off from the world around me like the author says in Ways of Hearing. However as time went on, I realized that the sound of the trains is actually part of the fabric of the city, and by listening to them rumble by, you can actually feel the rhythm of the city. For example, if the train passes by very quickly, I know it is an express train, hurrying to or from Manhattan. If the train passes by slowly, I know it is a local train, preparing to stop at 33rd Street. If I am walking back to the station and I hear a train go by, I know I have about 5 minutes or so until the next train comes. So, instead of closing off my hearing to the sounds around me, I have now learned to embrace the sound of the 7 train as it passes overhead. As the trains pass by, rumbling and screeching against the rails, they are taking people to important activities like work and school, so the train truly represents the lifeblood of the city.
The development of technology has made our lives easier. At the same time it has trapped us. It made us forget our surroundings and time. It trapped us in such a way that we lose track of time. A couple of days ago I had an online homework and it was time based. The due time was the same day at midnight. I thought it wouldn’t take me long to finish the task so I started to watch a show on Netflix on my phone. I didn’t realize that one and half hours passed by and I didn’t have enough time to do the homework. I panicked but I still somehow finished it. At the end of the day I realized how technology compels us to lose the track of time.
Different sense of time
We live in such an era of technological development. Smartphones were used in common, it makes life much more convenient but also harm to people in many ways. A survey shows that most people spend 3hr and 15 minutes on their phones per day on average, the top 20% of smartphone users spend more than 6.5 hours on their phones. I check up my screen time now, at 5:12 PM, it is 3h 53m. This number surprises me because I don’t remember I spend so much time on my phone so far today. But the record tells the truth, it is how my phone mess with my sense of time. I spend 99% of my screen time on social networking and entertainment. Being honestly, I usually check up the time by checking my phone when I am studying, half of these times, I just starting using my phone during my study time. When I was using these apps I though time flies, but when I spend time on studying I think time goes slow. Before I go sleep, it is my habit to check up the phone, it was the most attracting moment to me on my phone in the whole day. When I exit the phone because feeling tired, I found out it is 2 AM. It decreases my sleep quality because I don’t have enough time to sleep. Therefore, I think smartphone makes me messed up my time as my regular daily basis of device.
Technology does more harm than good
Cell Phone has become a technology that takes more of our time and makes us lose the sense of time because actually it is a kind of addiction. One cannot get tired of the phone. You can take several hours using your phone without getting bored and don’t even feel that you have spent all that time on it. I bet you can’t spend two or three days without using your phone. That’s impossible and this what makes cell phones kind of addiction. People think it is a great invention to connect with the world and get information as well. But in fact, phones do more harm than good. I am not saying that spending two or three hours using phone is harmful. I am just against excessive usage of phones. When you give your phone most of your time thinking that makes you more sociable, you will actually be less social in real life. That would make you unable to stay away from your phone and don’t use it while you are sitting with your friends or whoever because you got to addict with internet life which for me it’s imaginary life that doesn’t exist. Therefore, you have got better to be sociable in real life and don’t let your phone controls you. Furthermore, we can’t forget that some people use their phones for information not just communication. Nowadays we have Google which is an easy way to access information rapidly. We think it’s a good source to help us, but in fact it makes us dumb and limits our abilities of thinking. No room to think if there are such modern technologies. I believe that people will never try to turn on their distinct minds if they find that technology because it’s human nature to be sluggish. If we don’t make our brains think, they will get used to receiving information only, and then there is no contrast between us and the machine.
Time doesn’t like to be wasted
Today, there is no person who does not use a cell phone. From children to older generations, everyone has their own cell phone. Cell phone, is a part of our life, we save photos, talk with friends and use social networks on our cell phone devices. There are people who can spend hours talking with their friends on the phone or their wives can sit for hours and browse the social network. And sometimes, without noticing, we spend most of the time on our gadgets. Maybe for some people this is normal, but not for me. I caught myself in such a position that when I wasted my big time on the phone, I forgot about my responsibilities and family. I used to sit and watch new photos of my friends on Instagram leafing through a Facebook feed or switching to websites and shopping and reviewing new clothes for myself and for my family. I consoled myself with the fact that it’s better to go shopping and watch clothes. I watched all those online but it happened so often that I spent more time on the phone and didn’t pay attention to my children. When I became a student and this habit of using cell phone led to a big problem in my life. First of all, I spent a small part of my time with my children and mostly tinkering in my phone. My children were left without attention and they were also loading their iPads. I noticed that I did not show them a good example in that way. Secondly, I forgot to do my homework and did my assignments in the last minutes and in this way my assignments were not as good as I could do it. I caught myself thinking that I was wasting my time with unnecessary things and ruining my life. Now every time I take my phone I tell myself that time is an expensive thing and I need to use it usefully.
People and Technology
The most personal technology has the power to change lives. Nowadays people can not imagine their life without technology. It does from morning to night they rely on electronic device. They are some advantages and disadvantages to using smartphones. Surely makes our life easier but there are some disadvantages to using it. In the first paragraph I am going to write about the advantages and disadvantages. Advantages is from included small charlls to big it makes people easier. We can connect with the world, for instance, my parents and relatives are back in my country but I feel like I do connect with them everyday because of social media and cellphone. I am a student and without technology I can not do my homework.I need laptop to do check for my assignments.In the opposite it has some cons even my mind distracting from social media and cellphone because we all the time keep watching unnecessary things and makes to avoid real interaction with other people.
Having smartphone destroyed generation.
In 21st century if we ask anyone to name one thing can’t live without , their cellphone would probably top at list. Because of advanced technologies we are able to connect our near and dear even they live in different countries. Through smartphones there are many advantages like setting alarm, setting our weekly schedule , checking forecast and many more. These days we may forget to eat or do ur assignments but no one forget to take cellphone before leaving home. people gives more preference to digital world compare to human beings. But smartphones has a lot of disadvantages. Through my experience I loss my sleep hours , without enough sleep it ruins our daily life . Mostly I waste my time in social media or entertainment every hour I check my cellphones which leaves many important work behind. There is always distraction from technology every app notification pops up also daily news which drags us to use phone anyhow. People spend more then 5-6 hours in cellphone each day . Due to spending extensive time in technology many young people loss their vision and communication to world.