
There are different sounds around us that we hear through our ears. Our ears are able to hear different frequencies such as loud or weak, quiet or noisy sounds. One of those sounds is music. We hear music in our televisions, phones, computers and so on. Music changes our feelings helps us relax and etc. Many of us are very fond of listening to music for this, we are even willing to pay for them today; Most artists compose music and these music companies such as YouTube iTunes buy and sell them to ordinary people. Those big companies and artists themselves earn money through music. In my Paper2 I want to analyze a Ways of Hearing episode 4 “Money” by Damon Krukowski. He told how the exchange of music changes our understanding or how do large companies use music as a source of money. Based on Krukowski, I want to analyze my point of view, for example, for some artists’ music is one of or only source making money for living. I think other people should pay for purchase of music to pay other people’s work.

Showing two ways of timing.

In my 2nd paper I would like to choose ways of hearing episode 1 “ Time” representing analog to Digital sound and technology. Analog mostly used in earlier generation people still use but as per today generation coz of advanced technology digital has been rapidly expanding  . Analog signal is stable signal which shows physical measurement where as in Digital is discrete time. 

Are company algorithms invading our privacy?

In episode 5 of “Ways of Hearing” by Damon Krukowski talks about how companies use algorithms to give us more personal suggestions on what we might like. Music, movies, ads and friend suggestions are all based on our history. Is that too invasive? Should our previous interests be recorded for the benefit of these large corporations?

Technology has made huge advancements throughout the years. Algorithms are definitely helpful when we get bored of our song libraries or want a new movie to watch. I’ve been suggested many things I ended up liking. On the contrary, the means to create these suggestions does feel a little too desperate and invasive. In my paper, I will agree with Damon Krukowski’s view that these companies have too much power and control over what we see by taking our freedom to roam and stumble upon anything, and instead making what we see predictable. However, despite his claims I still feel as though algorithms are very useful and a beneficial to both parties, the consumer and producer.


In the passage ” Ways of Hearing ” by Damon Krukowski begins with Episode #1″Time”. I am choosing  this topic “Time”. How is time representing  analog to digital sound and technology? Analog has to be sound more variable signal and real life and digital sound more advanced and it modified any situation like a digital audio in music recording and in radio or television     broadcast.


In paper #2, I would like to write about episode #4 of ways of hearing “Money” by Damon Krukowski. In this episode, he talked about objectifying music and making it like any material that could be bought and sold, and how that could impact our ways of hearing sounds. He affirmed that music should be freely accessible. Yes, music should be something that free of cost because music is for entertainment, and we can’t make this entertainment just for people who can pay for it because poor people need to enjoy as well. That would make more people listen to music which makes artists more famous with more fans. Now companies are becoming rapacious and turn music to a business that they could benefit from it, so we can’t just put the blame on artists. Some artists do singing as an avocation without caring about money, and street singers are a simple example of this. But, if we consider singing as a job, we can’t say it should be free because no one is willing to work without profits. It’s not fair because in some cases singing is a source of income for artists, and they need to sell their albums. Actually, it depends on the artists themselves. There are novice singers, and there are very famous singers who could make money in any way like concerts with huge profits. Therefore, I am kind of agree and disagree with what Krukowski discussed in the episode.

Free music

Music is like sound which goes inside our ear naturally and we can stop it. In the same way, music is something that we can’t stop it but why it is stop by the tag of money. I chose Episode 4 “Money” for my paper. I chose this episode because in the 20th century, music was like an object which can be bought and sold but people were less likely to buy as it was expensive. As time passes, it change their roots and reveal its new term of exchange. In my paper, I will write about music should be available free to anyone who is hearing and how free music can make people popular. in addition, how artist will make money.

Jazz or Hip-Hop?

For my second paper, I would be writing about either a jazz club i worked at for 3 years or about how hip-hop and the blackout of 1977 in New York City correlate. The jazz club essay would most likely incorporate how my boss was obsessed with noise and signals. He wanted the music to be perfect which sometimes brought predicaments between band players and the sound booth. I think the episode “Noise” and “Power” would be great for that essay. I think im leaning towards the Hip-Hop essay because i love learning something new and i have a lot more to work with. The need for new equipment was crucial in the the beginning of the hip-hop era. The episodes, “Space” and “Money” would be great to incorporate into it.


In my paper I will be talking about episode #5 of ways of hearing, in which krukowski goes into detail about how it’s different to go out to a book store and buy books rather than just ordering them online, and also how big companies by the likes of Amazon, Facebook, Instagram etc, collect information about what you’re most likely to buy and/or be interested in and show them to you in the ways of short clips, mostly known as ads, creating this sort of forced exposure to what people see In a way of comforting them and not “surprising” them.

Blog Post 3

This image is what Berger was talking about, what we see is a man showing off his fancy drink and suit looking at the camera with confidence and pleasure, the complete opposite of what for example, the women in chapter 3 of there book we see how they are posed and its said that they tend to look more vulnerable, seductive and weak and seen as objects since they’re just girls. Of course I don’t think that way but thats what I got out of those images, and as for this one I think the man is showing / flaunting his male privilege and his power both as a man and financially. its different from the oil paintings Berger discusses of course because its an image and not a painting and the message that it is sending out.  men are usually seen representing power and wealth throughout history, as for women they have been seen for sexual, domestic and maternal matters and put apart from male businesses. we can see that Berger means to let his readers understand that we all should articulate our own version of what we think but he lets us know throughout the book that certain things are just as the way that they are and thats that, I see this image and do as Berger said to imagine a picture and then in that painting in your head put both the man and the woman and see how the painting changes and how its message changes

Blog Post 1

one image in specific that has spoken to me with no text or audio but with the photograph it captured is one about the amazon rain forest (posted in link above)and a road dividing the remaining forest and on the other side of the road we have huge plot of land with no trees or grass or plants or any sign of life, just traces of typical careless human doings to the earth, all for self interests, all for money, all for power, all for greed. wherever i am, if i see that image it speaks hard to me, it brings many emotions to me, especially because it is the land of my people, my ancestors and it is being destroyed for negotiations, for business, for some cash in big companies wallets. this definitely is something about what Berger talks about, he speaks about how you can see so much more to one single picture you can see the story and make so much of one image, and also he speaks about being able to view it firsthand and through for example on a phone and it can be different experiences and i agree, the image i saw shocks me, but perhaps actually being in the scene of the photograph might ignite a different experience and thought/emotions.